This is a blank colour-in sheet of our Ltd. Ed. Beautiful Bodies print, hand drawn by Evie, and ready to print at home so you can colour to your hearts content.
Colouring-in has been praised as a great mindfulness practise, calming our nerves and our adrenal system, and as well as that, it's fun!
We've also left a space for you to draw yourself in with these other babes, and we'd love to see your work when it's done! If you're keen to share, just tag us @genkstasy on insta, twitter, or facebook.
ABOUT THE PRINT: The Beautiful Pleasures print was hand drawn by Evie and is an ode to our bodies, and the pleasure we can find in embracing them in all their forms.
For us pleasure is so much broader than the sexual connotations it's usually associated with (though, let's not pretend we don't love those too!) but it's also the pleasure you find when you get into the groove of a dance, when you feel yourself really acing that run/yoga/soccer move you've been working on. It's when you take that first bite of your favourite food, or jump into the sea and feel the cold water revive you.
This print is about really embracing YOUR body and all the wonderful pleasures it gives you.
"I've had long-term pain, allergies, and mental health issues that in the past made me really fight with my body, critisise it, and try to get away from it. But it's the only body I have. And it also brings me pleasure, it allows me to move through the world. So over the last few years I've been learning how to give it love, to say thank you for all the joys it brings me too. I honour the pain and the struggle, but I'm now also choosing to be grateful for the spaces between." - Evie
In this download: You will recieve a digital download that you can print at home on A4 sized paper.
*Note: copywrite for this image belongs to both Genkstasy and Eve Willsteed, if you wish to reproduce or re-sell this image, or parts therof, please contact us first at sales@genkstasy.com.